Therese Scheuerlein
Dave Helmreich
John Fox
James Begick
Frank Linzner
Lyndsey O'Brien
Luanna LeVasseur
Where people live, work, play, how they travel, and the quality of these experiences depends in part upon something few people ever think about, land use planning.
Though perceived as a strictly bureaucratic process, land use planning is actually a prelude to the dynamic rise of new buildings, triumphant growth of towns, proud continuation of farming and even the inconspicuous but meaningful tasks of protecting property values.
Members of the Frankenlust Township Planning Commission have the civic responsibility of helping residents, business and property owners articulate and achieve a vision of how they want their community to look and function in the future. The Planning Commission is the primary entity responsible for long term, comprehensive planning, having the ability to put foresight into planning and development decisions.
**Develop and Adopt a Master Plan
**Perform Site Plan Review
**Conduct Special Land Use Reviews
**Other Functions
The Planning Commission meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm.
Regular meetings and special meetings are posted at the Township Office.
To be added to the agenda please have paperwork submitted 3 weeks before the meeting.
The Public is welcome to attend regularly scheduled meetings.
Copyright © 2018 Frankenlust Township - All Rights Reserved.
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