The "Principle Resident Exemption" allows you to be "exempt" from the 18 mill "School Operating" tax on your summer tax bill. If you own and occupy the home as your "Principal" residence you should qualify. Look on your tax bill at the Tax Detail section. You'll see PRE/MBT%:. If that is followed by a 0%, it means you're not getting the exemption.
If you have a question or are unsure if you are eligible, please contact the assessor.
You may notice a substantial increase in your Assessed Value as you open your assessment change notice next February. The State Tax Commission has adopted a new valuation platform. Beginning with 2019 the Tax Commission has mandated that all assessing software vendors use MMSVP (Michigan Marshall Swift Valuation Platform). This program uses the raw data in our system and applies building costs by Marshall Swift, which is the leading provider of building cost throughout the USA.
I've noticed a building previously valued at $600,000 now being valued at $730,000. This is scary when it first happens but realize that this effects only the Assessed Value, not the Taxable Value. The Taxable Value would change only if there is new construction on the parcel or if the property is sold and thereby uncapped. Assessed values are still adjusted to local Values by the Economic Condition Factor which should keep values reflective of true cash values.
Poverty Exemption and Asset Test Resolution (pdf)
DownloadPoverty Exemption Application (pdf)
DownloadAffirmation of Ownership Poverty Exemption (pdf)
DownloadPoverty Exemption Affidavit (pdf)
Download2024 Residential ECF (xlsx)
Download2024 Industrial Land Value (xlsx)
Download2024 Industrial ECF (xlsx)
Download2024 Commerical Land Value (xlsx)
Download2024 Commercial ECF (xlsx)
Download2024 Ag Land Value (xlsx)
Download2024 Residential Condo Land Value (xlsx)
Download2024 Residential Land Value (xlsx)
Download2024 Ag ECF (xlsx)
Download PDFAll non-exempt property must be assessed at 50 percent of true cash value and uniformly assessed with other property in the classification. The purpose of the Board of Review is to ascertain this has been accomplished (MCLs 211.28-211.33). The taxpayer may appeal his or her assessed value and/or taxable value. No person can appeal his or her assessment to the Tax Tribunal unless he or she has first appeared before the Board of Review
Ron Campbell, Secretary
Frank Linzner
John Fox
Trevor Keyes
Tara Welch (Alternate)
You may leave a message for the Board of Review at 989-686-5300.
Want to put in a fence, build a pool, add a shed or expand your porch? Our Zoning Administrator handles all outdoor projects to make sure they are up to code and comply with the Township Ordinances. Please call the Township at 989-686-5300.
To ensure quality development in our Township, the Building Department is responsible for issuing all building permits. Existing buildings and new construction are inspected. Building and zoning codes are enforced. For inspections please contact Les Luptowski at 989-239-0360.
When is a building permit required?
A building permit is required when any type of structural work is done on your home. This includes: additions; sheds over 200 sq. ft; deck 30" or higher above grade; finishing an attic or basement spaces.
When is a building permit NOT required?
A building permit is NOT required when replacing same-size windows; adding or changing the exterior siding; replacing roof shingles as long as no sheeting needs to be replaced.
**When a building permit is required, the appropriate permits, and their fees, will be in addition to the building permit.
The following information must be submitted to the Township Office:
1. Zoning Application
2. Building Permit Application
3. Four (4) sets of construction plans for Commercial and one (1) set for Residential.
Permits can be downloaded and printed from the website under the heading of FORMS.
For electrical inspections call Mr. Kaczmarek at 989-239-6583
An electrical permit is required when any electrical work is done other than replacing light fixtures and receptacles.
You can get an electrical permit from our website which can be downloaded and printed under the heading of FORMS.
For a mechanical or plumbing inspection,
call Mr. Verellen at 989-246-4817.
A plumbing permit is required when adding plumbing, installing underground plumbing, changing placement of fixtures or replacing water heaters.
A mechanical permit is required when replacing a furnace, bath and kitchen fans, dryer vents, factory-built chimneys, adding air conditioning, and installing a gas or wood burning stove.
If a Contractor has not registered with Frankenlust Township, please bring a completed registration form (you can find this document under FORMS), a copy of the Contractor's license, driver's license, and Master license if required.
There is no fee to register!
The noxious weed and vegetation commissioner observes Township properties for noxious weeds and enforces the Frankenlust Township Weed Ordinance. The State of Michigan has signed into law that Townships are able to oversee the properties that may have a noxious weed issues and require them to cut those weeds or have the weeds cut for them and the charges will be billed to the owner or placed on their winter tax bill.
You may call the Township office at 989-686-5300 and Mr. Begick will be notified of your inquiry.
The Construction Board of Appeals is a board that is appointed by the Township Board and consists of 3 members. This board hears appeals from the enforcing agency of the Building Code and renders a written decision no later than 30 days after the appeal is taken.
Roger Clauss
Randy Knoerr
Jim Reichard
Copyright © 2018 Frankenlust Township - All Rights Reserved.
Please click on the Link for information regarding Burn Permits and Burn Restrictions